Monday, March 18, 2013

Time, time, time...

Speeches give me more motivation than anything. I'm constantly searching online for ways to motivate me to do better than I've ever done and continuously set the bar higher for myself. Success doesn't come easy, not a chance. One major component is time. Time is the most precious commodity on Earth. We can never get our time back, money could never buy it. What we do with our time is in our hands and almost completely determines our fate. 

We see these bodybuilders, professional athletes, scientists, inventors, CEO's, etc. I can go on. We see these successful people and wonder how they got there. So many people look at these people in awe, thinking that they themselves will never get to where that person is. I don't believe that. I believe we can do ANYTHING we want to do, as long as we use our time efficiently. We see bodybuilders and say they take steroids or that they have amazing genetics...that doesn't mean they don't spend HOURS working on there profession and honing their skill. It doesn't mean they didn't work hard to reach the position they're at. 

You can either choose to go out and part, going about your night in a clumsy haze OR you can stay home and get the sleep your body needs. You can even stay home and do homework for the NEXT week, clean your room, do the laundry, things more productive than partying or slacking around. 

Our time on this Earth is limited and our abilities are restricted. We aren't all born the same, some people are more intelligent or some people were born into a family with connects into certain jobs. This should push you to work EVEN HARDER. To be an even better person. To better yourself in any way possible. Every successful person knows that they must give their absolute all to get better and that going through the motions are the most disadvantageous thing you can do. If you do it right the first time, you never have to go back and do it again.

There are only a certain number of minutes in our lives, lets make those minutes count and be the best we can be. You never know when those minutes might get cut short. Don't make excuses for yourself, you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to!

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