Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The world as I see it, tonight.

The last few days have been very tough on me. I might be moving and there are a lot of big decisions I have to make soon. I'm very busy with school and stressed out but I'm keeping a positive mental attitude. Just got back from a 15 minute walk down the street from my house. It's so warm and clear out tonight, couldn't help but soak in the beauty. 

After a few minutes of being out there, some deep thoughts occurred. I started to think that every star that I saw was the sun of an entire galaxy. That tiny and almost unseen light in the sky was something most likely multiple times bigger than the place we call home. Every star out there is part of a galaxy that potentially has or had life on it at some point. I began to think about how small I am, we are. It's amazing to think that people in this small world of ours feel so entitled. As if they actually mean something  significant in the grand scheme of the universe. Our entire solar system is but a granule of sand on the beach of the universe. 

Tonight was a humbling experience. I've been losing touch with myself and notice days passing faster and faster. It's nice to slow down for a few minutes and just think about life. It made me think that we completely create the world we live in. We can live in a deep, dark, and treacherous world where people are out to get us and bad things are always happening. Or, we can live in a world where the people around us have depth to them, a personality. Where you mostly see light with very few black outs. Where you can do whatever you set your mind to, whatever you want to do. We create our world in the sense that the atmosphere that we're part of is 100% our doing. I have friends that I WANT in my life, not that NEED to be in my life. I choose to live in the city, state, country that I live in. I could move to Europe, drop everyone in my life, and start over if I really wanted to. 

I'm so thankful for the people I have around me. As small and insignificant our planet is, it means something to me. Being able to look out into the universe and wonder like I did tonight is something that we take for granted. This world is so small, we can do whatever we want to do. We can choose to lead a safe and steady life, or take risks on a chance to move forward and get somewhere you may never thought you could have gotten. 

I'm going to leave it off on that, just a deep thought kind of night. Much needed. 

Hope everyone reading this is doing well, Carpe Diem.

1 comment:

  1. joshua...a great thought and perspective..will get to read more of your blogs and share more! i have a conviction on life,religion and humanity..deep stuff.
