Saturday, February 23, 2013

Friends or enemies?

Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.
Muhammad Ali 

Hey everyone, it's Saturday morning and I had a long day at work yesterday (11-8 PM). I'm about to start catching up on studying and trying to studying for future class sessions. I just wanted to drop off a little note.

I currently have a "friend" who has had a pretty rough life like me, same sort of childhood neglect. We actually lived together for almost 2 years in high school and became very well acquainted. He got into ecstacy and marijuana as well as various other drugs (very occasional for any other drug). He currently only smokes marijuana. But he's struggled in life, I've always been there to try and guide him and show him the way but I've been having trouble lately...

Lately, my thoughts on friend have been, "if they bring you down, let them stay down." I'm at a point in my life where my future is GREATLY impacted by what I do now. I can't afford to hang around people that are just going to bring me down. This "friend" of my, who I once called my brother, is struggling and bringing me down. He's turning 21 in a couple months, doesn't have his license, doesn't have any bills to pay, and the job he has is a job that I got him. I've sent him pictures of used cars for sale with the number that run very well but he never acts on it whatsoever. 

The last few months, the only time he texts me is if he needs a ride somewhere. EVERY TIME. I'm fed up  with it as he has crossed the line by messaging a girl that I've been talking on Facebook. This girl and I have been dating the last 2-3 months and he's never met her before. After of course telling him about my dates and encounters with this girl, he decides to start talking to her. I was texting her last night and in the middle of the text she said, "Oh, I talked to ****!" and at that point, I was angry. 

I don't have any emotional connection with this girl, I'm angry because he's never met her and is trying to talk to her now. He's made more effort to talk to this girl than he has to me in the last few months and from what I've told you, he usually only initiates a conversation if he wants something. 

I am going to talk to him within the next few days and let him know how I feel, it's hard to believe I called this guy my brother...

Lesson, evaluate yourself and your friends. You never know what might be dragging you down in life, it tends to be our friends more than anything. I've been noticing more and more and have dropped people out of my life that weren't as good friends as him but it's getting to the point where I am starting to drop what I thought were great friends from my life. 

Time to get back to the study grind, I hope this helps somebody with friendship problems they have in life. I want to be successful in life and when somebody only makes contact with you when they want something, that's not very friendly. Keeping my head up and realizing this is only a weight off of my shoulders! :)

Have a great weekend everybody! 

1 comment:

  1. My attitude is similar to yours, I will help anyone who needs it and is willing to help themselves as well but if someone is a constant negative influence in my life then I'm afraid I too cut ties with that person. Life is too short to be anything but happy!
