Monday, February 18, 2013

Something as simple as a run

I've been at my cousin's house for the last couple days, celebrating his 21st birthday (which is today). I don't normally drink but since it was an occasion, I had a couple drinks. Being into a healthy lifestyle as I am, I'm usually at the gym 5-7 times a day, sometimes twice a day if time permits. I recently came down with a cold so lifting was out of the question, a jog was a bit more acceptable.

Recently I've been trying to improve my cardiovascular health by jogging more often and have gone on a few 5+ miles jogs. The more cardio I do, the easier it gets. Go figure haha.

So I woke up this morning and decided on a 2-3 miles jog...turned into a 6.5 miles jog. This took me about 61 minutes to complete and 2/3's of the jog was up hill. The beginning was downhill and very enjoyable, I had a sickening smile across my face the whole way down. During that hour of jogging, I went deep into thought...

Jogging downhill was so pleasing because it almost felt effortless. When life is easy (coasting downhill) we're happy and it's enjoyable. Once I got to the turning point (3.25 miles in), I rested for no more than 10 seconds...I didn't want to stop the journey. The remaining 3.25 miles was uphill, a very steep uphill battle at that. After turning around, the deep thoughts took over even more and I fell deep into thought. I remebered how everything prior to the turning point was pretty easy and felt amazing, giving me a large smile across my face. The uphill trial begins...

I thought about how strong our mind must be in order to be successful. About how success is deliberate and intentional and doesn't just happen by luck. The site and thought of beginning this battle began to take it's toll but I quickly turned my thought process around. It's as simple as changing you thought process on the situation. Instead of thinking about how hard this was going to be, I saw it as a challenge. I've never overcome such a treacherous run before but this would be a medal to my showcase. Step by step, I trudged up the mountainous hills of Corona. I saw countless people looking at me as they drove by, I enjoy being the only jogger in site during my entire run. Hoping to motivate the 2/3 of our population that is considered overweight.

After I got home, the reflection continued and I felt great about the jog. Thinking about the lesson retaught to me through exercise. Life goes well at times and is bound to go bad at some point. You can choose to either look at the situation presented to you with a negative approach or you can choose to handle the situation as well as you can and excel through it, coming out victorious. We are the masters of our own fate and determine what we'll accomplish in life, some of us just need a little motivating to get there.

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